For most of my life, I had no desire to own my own business. I enjoyed the security of knowing exactly what I would be paid. The responsibility of making the really big decisions and the consequences they could mean was simply terrifying. Now, I can't imagine working for anyone else!
As cake artists, we are creative. There is just simply a part of our souls that need to be expressed in craft. Sure we can be analytical and methodical, but that can sometimes be difficult.
In order to own a successful business, you must not only be a great baker or sugar artist but also a good business person. Unless you partner or hire someone to handle the business end, you need to learn to think and act like you own a business.
What does that mean?! It means familiarizing yourself and learning about business. You didn't walk into the kitchen knowing how to bake or decorate. You need to learn a bit about business. There are many, many business introduction tutorials online. You may also want to invest in Mentoring Sessions. Whatever you choose, you will need to invest as much time and energy into learning about business as you did learning sugar art and baking.

This is a tough industry but it can be very rewarding. You'll need to organize systems to maximize your time. You'll need to know your numbers and exactly what it costs to make anything you produce so you can ensure you are profitable. You'll also need to practice the skills of communication and customer service.
Before your start, be honest with yourself. Why do you want a business? What is your goal? What will define success for you? What am I willing to sacrifice and how does that look for me and my family.
I promise if you take the time to prepare yourself, the journey will be so much easier!