Pricing is one of hardest struggles for many small business owners. This is NOT just the cake industry. Everyone struggles with pricing because it's complicated. I want to help.
Minette Rushing and I have spent YEARS teaching pricing. We've given valuable information for free. We've finally taken the time to really plan an in depth, answer it all course. It explains every, single aspect of pricing. This class is currently available as a virtual class by Zoom and are priced $1329. This is a 3 day course meant to fill you not only with all the knowledge you need to be successful but also the confidence to price for profit.
If you are looking for easy to understand basics of pricing, I offer a PDF that can help you calculate a profitable price. I offer this as a stand alone for $48 and with an editable spreadsheet for $189. You may prefer a mentoring pricing session. These typically last 2 hours and include an additional hour of availability for questions and mentoring. This package is $560.
So what do you get for the investment?
The PDF includes the trusted formula for pricing and how to use it. I explain the step of calculating all the costs (more than expenses), calculating your time and the value of your expertise, and how to calculate profit. I also explain these terms as well as other critical language used in business (gross & net profit, P & L, etc.). This PDF will explain the fundamentals of pricing to help you truly make a profit instead of guessing.
Part of calculating a profitable price is being able to tally all the costs. I use spreadsheets to eliminate some of the repetitive work. Although it usually takes a good bit of time to enter the information, this system allows you to save lots of time by simply updating prices you pay for supplies. The spreadsheet calculates it all for you! It will calculate the cost of individual recipes as well as the total expenses used for all your items.
The mentoring session includes the PDF, the spreadsheet, and a one on one session where I teach you all of this and more specific information tailored to you. The extra hour of availability & support is used to make your pricing not only easy but also flawless.
To purchase these items, please email Let me know which you would like to purchase and I will send the Venmo link as well as the items you purchase. Thank you for trusting me to share the knowledge that built a very successful cake business.
